Can You Breastfeed With Breast Implants?

Woman breastfeeding a baby on a bed (MODELS).

Breast augmentation is a popular choice for many women seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. For moms or soon-to-be moms, a common question is whether breast implants affect breastfeeding.

This blog post will explore whether you can breastfeed with breast implants, if it’s better to wait until you’re done with childbearing to have breast augmentation, and any potential risks to both mother and baby.

Nursing With Breast Implants

Breastfeeding is an important part of motherhood for many women. The good news is that, in most cases, you can still breastfeed with breast implants. The ability to breastfeed depends largely on the type of surgical technique and incision used during your breast augmentation.

Factors Influencing Breastfeeding After Augmentation

Several considerations can influence your ability to breastfeed after breast augmentation. It’s essential to discuss these factors with your surgeon to tailor the procedure to your breastfeeding goals.

Surgical Technique and Incision Location

The location and technique of the incision can significantly impact breastfeeding. While it’s essential to make decisions regarding the details of your surgery in consultation with your surgeon, these are some general guidelines:

  • Inframammary Incision: This incision is made in the fold under the breast and typically does not interfere with milk ducts or glands.
  • Periareolar Incision: This incision is around the areola and may affect the nerves and milk ducts, potentially affecting your milk supply. Your surgeon’s technique is an important factor.
  • Transaxillary Incision: Although this incision in the armpit isn’t suitable for all patients, it’s relatively unlikely to interfere with breastfeeding.

Implant Placement

  • Submuscular Placement: Implants placed under the chest muscle are typically less likely to interfere with breastfeeding.
  • Subglandular Placement: Implants placed above the chest muscle but below the glandular tissue may have a higher chance of impacting milk ducts.

Explore your surgical and breast implant options in detail on our site.

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Breast Augmentation Before and After by Dr. Thomas Mustoe in Chicago, Illinois
Before & After Breast Augmentation by Dr. Mustoe Case 429 Front View in Chicago, IL
Breast Augmentation Before and After by Dr. Thomas Mustoe in Chicago, Illinois
Before & After Breast Augmentation by Dr. Mustoe Case 483 View #1 View in Chicago, IL
Breast Augmentation Before and After by Dr. Thomas Mustoe in Chicago, Illinois
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Breast Augmentation Before and After by Dr. Thomas Mustoe in Chicago, Illinois
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Dr. Sinno Breast Augmentation in Chicago, Illinois
Breast Augmentation Before and After by Dr. Sammy Sinno in Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Sinno Breast Augmentation in Chicago, Illinois
Breast Augmentation Before and After by Dr. Sammy Sinno in Chicago, Illinois
Before & After Breast Augmentation by Dr. Sinno Case 987 Front View in Chicago, IL
Breast Augmentation Before and After by Dr. Sammy Sinno in Chicago, Illinois

Should You Wait Until After Having Children for Implants?

Deciding whether to undergo breast augmentation before or after having children is a personal choice. Here are some considerations:

  • Breast Changes: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause significant changes in breast size and shape. Some women prefer to wait until they are finished having children before getting implants.
  • Revision Surgery: If you have breast augmentation before children, you may need revision surgery later to address changes that occur due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. Learn more about revision surgery in our related blog post.

Potential Risks to the Baby

A common concern is whether breastfeeding with implants poses any risk to the baby. Research has shown that breastfeeding with implants is generally safe and does not harm the child.

The silicone used in implants does not appear to leak into breast milk. For those who opt for saline implants, there is even less cause for concern. Therefore, whether you choose silicone or saline implants, breastfeeding remains a safe and viable option for most women.

Tips for Breastfeeding With Implants

These are some practical tips to help you successfully breastfeed with implants. Following these guidelines can make breastfeeding go more smoothly and ensure both you and your baby are well-supported:

  • Communicate With Your Surgeon: Discuss your breastfeeding plans with your surgeon before the procedure. They can tailor the surgery to support your breastfeeding goals.
  • Work With a Lactation Consultant: A lactation consultant can provide valuable guidance and support to help you navigate breastfeeding with implants after your baby is born.
  • Be Patient and Persistent: Breastfeeding can be challenging even without implants. Give yourself time to adjust and seek support when needed.

Myths and Misconceptions

Let’s dispel some of the prevalent myths and misconceptions surrounding breastfeeding with implants:

  • Implants and Milk Contamination: A common myth is that implants can contaminate breast milk. Research has shown that the silicon in silicone implants does not leak into breast milk.
  • Pain During Breastfeeding: Some women fear that implants will cause pain during breastfeeding. While some discomfort may occur initially, it is usually temporary and not directly caused by the implants.
  • Breastfeeding Success Rate: There is a misconception that women with implants have a significantly lower success rate with breastfeeding. In reality, the research is mixed. Some studies have found that women with breast implants do breastfeed at a lower rate than other women, while other studies show there is no difference between women with implants and those without.

Additional Considerations for Breast Augmentation

When considering breast augmentation, it’s crucial to take a comprehensive approach to ensure the best outcomes for both aesthetics and functionality. Here are a couple of key points to keep in mind:

  • Choosing the Right Surgeon: Ensure your surgeon is board certified and has significant experience with breast augmentation procedures. A skilled surgeon can minimize any potential impact on breastfeeding.
  • Post-Surgery Support: After your surgery, follow all postoperative care instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure optimal healing and reduce the risk of complications that could affect breastfeeding.

Take the Next Step

If you have questions or are considering breast augmentation, we invite you to request a consultation or call our office (312) 788-2560 to schedule an appointment.

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