Overall, it may not surprise you to learn that men seeking rhinoplasty (nose job) at my Chicago practice are looking for results similar to what women want. Everyone wants a nose that’s proportional to the rest of their facial features and blends harmoniously; it’s not quite that simple, though.
What Makes an Attractive Male or Female Nose?
The “ideal” male nose has some very specific differences compared to the aesthetic ideal of a woman’s nose. It’s critical that plastic surgeons understand these differences and are able to skillfully adapt their surgical techniques to address the various needs of male and female patients.
Here is a look at the features of the nose that need to be approached differently during rhinoplasty, depending on the patient’s gender:
- The bridge: Noses with either a flat or slightly convex bridge (dorsal profile) are generally seen as more masculine. A narrower, slightly concave bridge is considered to look more feminine. One concern both men and women share is the appearance of a dorsal hump on the bridge, which is especially noticeable in profile views. Minimizing a hump while maintaining the feminine or masculine appearance of the bridge is an essential technique for plastic surgeons.
- The tip: Men naturally have thicker nasal skin in this area, while a narrower, more defined tip generally looks more feminine. The thicker skin can sometimes complicate rhinoplasty for male patients.
- Overall size: Generally speaking, a more prominent nose is considered a stronger, more desirable male facial feature—so long as it’s still in proportion to the rest of the face. Women tend to prefer more diminutive noses.
- Length of the nose: The ‘ideal’ length of a man’s nose is slightly longer than a woman’s. One of the hallmarks of a nose that’s been operated on is that it is too short. It is always better to err on the side of leaving the nose a little long. To slightly shorten a nose is an easy quick office procedure, but lengthening a nose that has been made too short is quite difficult.
With the above characteristics in mind, take a look at these photos of 2 of my past patients, one male and one female. Both patients wanted to minimize slight humps on the bridge of their noses. The man’s bridge remains relatively broad, with a more prominent tip. The woman’s bridge is narrower, with a delicate, feminine tip.
Want to see more rhinoplasty before and after pictures? Take a look at Dr. Mustoe’s photo gallery and Dr. Sinno’s rhinoplasty photo gallery.
Ultimately, the best rhinoplasty results create a nose that’s in harmony with the rest of a patient’s face and meet his or her goals. You can see additional examples of how we remove a dorsal hump, narrow the nasal bridge for both men and women, and more in our related blog post.
Both men and women typically have multiple questions about rhinoplasty that I address on the Rhinoplasty FAQ page.
Getting Started
If you’re considering rhinoplasty, research into the procedure and your surgeon is important. You can learn more about the nose job procedure in our free e-guide. Simply fill out the form below to download your copy.

Your Guide to Rhinoplasty
Download Our Complimentary e-GuideReady to start your journey to your best nose? Get all the information you need about rhinoplasty when you download our free e-Guide, Your Guide to Rhinoplasty. Inside, you will find answers to all your questions about nose surgery, from how to be sure it is right for you to what to expect before, during, and after surgery.
If you’ve already decided to have a nose job and you’re looking for the top rhinoplasty surgeons in Chicago, we’re happy to talk with you about your options. You can use the online form to request a consultation or call our office at (312) 788-2560 to schedule an appointment.
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