Dear Dr. Mustoe,
Thank you for restoring my spirit and confidence! No matter what I did with diet, excercise and creams, I could not overcome the genetics of my neck without your miraculous sculpting. Since my 50’s, I had the feeling my neck entered the room before I did. And now, I enter a room without thinking about what I considered to be a disfigurement. It’s a miracle! The final product is better than I could have ever expected and so natural, no one has asked me if I had any work done. In fact, no one has really remarked at all except to say; “you look fantastic!”
I have wanted to have my neck done for nearly 15 years and searched for the right surgeon for five years. After receiving consults with over eight surgeons in Chicago, Indiana and Michigan, there was no question that I would choose you. One surgeon said the only way to achieve my desired outcome was to cut an opening right down the middle of my neck. Another told me that my skin was too thick, and another told me that my neck structure including my Adams apple was just too large to achieve any positive results. I know that my natural and perfect results are not coincidental and the direct result of your many years of research and innovations and I am deeply grateful.
I didn’t give you much to work with and you had to overcome a great deal of genetic baggage. I don’t know how you did it and with no drains, no lasting scarring and an easy healing process.
Thank you for restoring ME! I am truly grateful and will sing your praise the rest of my life!
Gratefully yours,