Breast Augmentation by Dr. Mustoe Before & After Case 1032

Before & After
Case Details
The above patient, a 39-year-old woman, pursued breast augmentation and mastopexy (breast lift) by Dr. Mustoe in Chicago after experiencing involutional changes in her breasts. Intrigued by the dual possibility of restoring superior pole fullness and uplifting the general appearance of her breasts, she felt breast augmentation with a lift could provide the improvement she desired. The patient opted for a mastopexy in conjunction with a breast augmentation, enhancing her natural silhouette while also addressing any sagging concerns.
The breast augmentation by Dr. Mustoe introduced a 360 mL round smooth moderate profile saline implant, filled to volumes of 390 on the right and 370 on the left, which were finely calibrated after the mastopexy. The slight modification in size between the two implants was designed to resolve the minor asymmetry the patient had initially. Through this personalized treatment plan, the patient successfully rejuvenated the look and feel of her breasts.
Dr. Thomas Mustoe, the esteemed surgeon who performed the patient's procedure, is board-certified in both plastic surgery and head and neck surgery. A graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Medical School, Dr. Mustoe is revered for his precise surgical skills honed through over 10,000 operations and his innate aesthetic sensibility. Working from TLKM Plastic Surgery, situated at 737 North Michigan Ave., #1500, Chicago, Illinois 60611 US, Dr. Mustoe's innovative approach and commitment to patient success have solidified his sterling reputation in the field. The before and after photos of the breast augmentation by Dr. Mustoe in Chicago demonstrate an uplifting transformation both for the patient's physical appearance and self-assurance.
Procedures Performed
- Breast Augmentation With Lift
- Breast Lift
- Breast Augmentation by Dr. Mustoe
Provider: Dr. Thomas Mustoe
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.